"Where the holder of a bill payable to his order transfers it for value without indorsing it," 倘汇票执票人未经背书而受价转让按照其本人指示付款之汇票
The development process of rubber seal film dry seal gas holder, the feature of this type gas holder and the main points for rubber film development and production are recommended. The value of spread application for GQ ⅰ type gas holder rubber film is proposed. 介绍了橡胶膜密封干式气柜的研制开发过程和这种型式气柜的特点以及胶膜的研制生产要点,提出了GQI型气柜胶膜的推广应用价值。
An estimate of Holder norm for solutions of a class of boundary value problems of nonlinear parabolic equations is given in this paper. The methods used here were first created by Krylov. 本文利用Krylov关于非线性椭圆方程,非线性抛物方程的先验估计的思想方法,给出了一类非线性抛物方程边值问题的解的Holder模估计。